Synspectiveは、クロアチアを拠点とするIT企業、Domidus Primeとパートナーシップにより、同国内でのSAR画像および解析ソリューションの活用を促進します。情報通信技術(ICT)分野のコンサルティングサービスで知られるDomidus Primeは、パートナーネットワークを通じて、クロアチアと周囲の地域に先進的な空間技術とデータを提供しています。





Domidus Primeについて: 

Domidus Prime d.o.o. provides consulting services in the domain of information and communication technologies (ICT). The services are primarily oriented towards achieving business transformation of clients through the use of information technology. We begin with the creation of conceptual solutions of an IT system that follows desired business transformation, transfers business processes in the IT domain, in order to accelerate the business process and automate it where it is feasible. We mostly provide specific knowledge (know-how) in the areas of spatial data management. This knowledge is established and strengthened through the support network of our partner companies, leaders in the application of new technologies, provision of real-time data, detection and analytics, machine learning, predictions and visualization. All this give us a distinctiveness in achieving excellence that we pass on to our clients.



