Synspectiveは、ポーランド国内で地理空間情報サービスを展開するWIZIPISI(Wrocław Institute of Spatial Information and Artificial Intelligence)との新たなパートナーシップにより、データ販売網を拡大します。WIZIPISIは、AIベースのリモートセンシング技術および航空画像と衛星画像処理への洗練されたアプローチで、ポーランド国内市場において高い評価を得ています。




The Wrocław Institute of Spatial Information and Artificial Intelligence (WIZIPISI) was founded and is operated by a group of scientists and enthusiasts in the field of spatial information systems and artificial intelligence. Their ambition is to translate scientific achievements in these areas into practical applications. WIZIPISI aims to provide services in the GIS market and related fields using more sophisticated and modern methods than its competitors. Their goal is to conduct and commercialize innovative research in the field of geographic information systems and artificial intelligence. With their expertise and support from distinguished authorities in GIS and IT in Poland, Europe, and worldwide, they can achieve research and implementation results at the highest level.