The 6th SynsForum was held on June 24, 2022. SynsForum is an all-employee event held every quarter to share team progress, challenges, and learning experiences. The goal is to foster a cohesive culture and provide insight into smarter and innovative solutions at Synspective.


We changed our approach this quarter and held an on-site meeting to focus on revitalizing  employee communication. The event atmosphere was friendly from start to finish. With restrictions lifted, some members met in-person for the first time and discovered things about one other that would not have been possible via Zoom or another digital meeting space. “You’re taller than I thought!,” said one member after finally meeting her fellow co-worker.  

There were several sessions this year. The first session consisted of panel and group discussions on Synspective’s CREDO. In the panel discussion, management talked about their thoughts on CREDO and their reasons for joining the company. This was followed by group discussions with members from different departments. Each group discussed the gap between CREDO and the current situation and how best to narrow it. It was a lively session that allowed everyone to engage in frank discussions about internal issues that employees regularly face, areas of improvement of CREDO, and also an opportunity to deepen connections with one another.


The featured highlight at SynsForum was a one-hour live online lecture with Peter Beck, CEO of Rocket Lab, a US space venture company. It was a very productive and valuable time for us to hear about his transformative journey with Rocket Lab from a small start-up to becoming a leading publicly-traded company in launch services and space systems.  The lecture was followed by a Q&A session and Synspective members were very impressed by Mr. Beck who answered everyone’s questions in earnest. 


In the past two years, many members have been working remotely due to impacts from Covid-19. During this time, employee numbers have increased by 2.5x to over 160 people. They come from 25 countries and span a wide range of interests, industries, and specialities.  


Looking to the future, we believe that organizational learning and communication are the keys to survival in the era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). We seek to meaningfully connect with members from all departments, gaining a holistic perspective and creating synergies that can lead to the creation of new ideas and improved productivity. SynsForum helps us to continue cultivating a culture of innovation, cognitive diversity, and creativity. 


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